Excellence in Crisis Care

Experienced. Accredited. Skilled. Accountable.


Serving Colorado Since 2010

Rocky Mountain Crisis Partners has been providing crisis services for Colorado since 2010. Back then our monthly call average was 50. Today our monthly call average is nearly 50,000!

RMCP’s Leadership Team has more than 75 years of combined experience in crisis care from program design to high tech IT and data systems development.

Our vision is to be leaders in 24/7 support!


Certified by AAS

The American Association of Suicidology (AAS) developed a set of standards and criteria for the certification of crisis centers throughout the United States.

RMCP is proud to be one of the centers that meets the stringent standards of services and training to earn an AAS certification.


RMCP has developed a proprietary, state-of-the-art training program that exceeds accreditation requirements.

Through a combination of instructor-led training and professionally produced web-based training, our program is thorough and compliant to ensure that our team members are well-prepared to assist those in crisis.


Service Quality

RMCP places a high value on our service quality and has a Quality Assurance Department that focuses on:

  • Adherence to protocols
  • Programmatic practices
  • Evaluation of call/text quality

The data we gather informs our on-going quality improvement practices.